OSMF Edge Media Player

Embrace the power of Open Source Media Framework

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I can't view anything!

    While some videos might work locally, others need you to launch them from a webserver. Especially YouTube videos which require to access the network to work. In order to test your media files you need to run a webserver. There are several free ones like easyPHP for PC or MAMP for Mac.

    Keep also sure your paths are correct. Sometimes you might need to add "../" before your path or you have to use absolute paths including the whole prefix. Use lowercase file extentions and avoid fancy names for your files.

  • My video takes ages to load.

    You probably are running a high quality video on a low bandwidth computer. It requires a high speed internet connection for a proper buffering. Optimize your video for your bandwidth or hit pause and wait until it has buffered enough frames for a smooth playback.

  • How can I feed and RTMP Stream?

    In order to unify the urls for all kind of media, OSMF Edge Media Player doesn't have fields for stream server and stream name. Instead it uses the whole path which include both.

    Here are a few examples of RTMP feeds: rtmp://cp67126.edgefcs.net/ondemand/mediapm/osmf/content/test/akamai_10_year_f8_512K

    As you can see it uses the whole path and includes both server name and file name at once.

  • I can't see my HD button, why?

    HD is enabled whenever the player detects that an high resolution is available. It happens with YouTube videos and with F4M manifest files which allow dynamic streaming and quality switching. So if you’re planning to serve different quality streams you should consider use one of these two deployment solutions.

  • Can I include it into my site?

    Yes! You can put it pretty much anywhere you like. The provided example enable you even to configure your setup to work on mobile devices.

  • Is there a way to call a specific entry in the playlist?

    Yes there is. You can use the launch function to parse the path and the type parameter directly or through the playlist array.
    Assuming your loaded player object is called "player" it will look like the following examples.

    Using the content array: player.launch(player.content[0].path, player.content[0].type);
    This example calls just the first video which is zero in the array.

    Using the playlist array: player.launch(player.playlist[n][0].path, player.playlist[n][0].type);
    Where n is the number of the video in the playlist and zero calls the preroll if there is any.

    Or simply using directly your own strings: player.launch("http://yourdomain.com/path/video.flv", "content");

  • Can I avoid using the playlist xml file?

    Yes, you can. The latest version of the player introduced flashvars support to overwrite the playlist and allow users to configure it directly from your html document. Though it comes handy only if you have just one video to feed.

    The following code shows the supported parameters which can be overwritten through flashvars. There is also an example which shows it in action. edgePlayer.flash = { id: "edge", player: "swf/osmf.swf", setup: "xml/presets/sintel/setup.xml", poster: "media/jpg/buckbunny.jpg", media: "../media/sintel.mp4video.mp4", type: "content", volume: 0.75 };

    edgePlayer("flash", "640", "360");

  • Can I load it inside another Flash Project?

    Yes, you can do it as long it's written in AS3. Just take care of its registration point and manage position with the provided xml options, otherwise you'll break the fullscreen and fluid layout.

  • Is it compatible with Vimeo?

    No. Vimeo does not allow to create a custom player over the moogaloop one, this means there is no way to skin or customize their player. Loading it as it is inside OSMF Edge Media Player wouldn't make sense since all built-in function should be disabled. If Vimeo is willing to change their policies I'll more than happy to add support for it. For now the only legit way to showcase Vimeo videos is by using their own player.

  • Can I control the player through javascript?

    Yes. There are a few js callbacks which can be used for a better integration in your site. Here are the supported callback functions. getFlashMovie(id).pause();
    getFlashMovie(id).load(path, type);

    In order to get those functions to work, you need to enable callbacks by adding in the flashvars the callback boolean parameter and set it to true. Refer to the provided examples to see how to setup your configuration.